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Module 4 Major Activity

Module 4 Major Activity

Q Overview It’s now time to populate the QuantigrationRMA database from the Module Three major activity with records and run some basic queries against those tables. You’ll need to import data from the CSV data files into the tables, perform queries against those tables, and create an output listing to the screen of the query results. Description of QuantigrationRMA Entity Relationship Diagram An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a visual representation of a database’s objects and relationships between those objects. It is a blueprint for creating a database, its tables (entities), and their attributes (fields). It also shows the data types and the relationships between entities (cardinality constraints) and keys in each table. In our example, we have three tables named customers, orders, and rma. These tables are the boxes that have several fields such as FirstName, LastName, OrderID, and so on. Each table also contains a primary key denoted by “PK” on the ERD. There is a standard notation called crow’s feet that shows the connection between tables. These lines represent different entity relation types such as one-to-one (1:1) or one-to-many (1:N), as visually depicted in the ERD. Directions In the Module Three Major Activity, you created a customer return merchandise authorization (RMA) database using SQL commands. To complete your objectives in this activity, follow these directions: • Before you begin, do the following: o Make sure to download the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template for this assignment. You’ll need to place your answers and screenshots in this document and then submit it for grading. o Check the Database Documentation Template Example for clarity on expectations of what yours should look like. o Make sure to review the example RMA ERD that you should be using as a guide before you begin. o Review the module resources on how to capture screenshots, if necessary. • Please note before you begin that the three data files being used for this project are preloaded into Codio: o rma.csv o customers.csv o orders.csv 1. Import the data from each file into tables. A. Use the QuantigrationRMA database, the three tables you created, and the three CSV files preloaded into Codio. B. Use the import utility of your database program to load the data from each file into the table of the same name. You’ll perform this step three times, once for each table. 2. Write basic queries against imported tables to organize and analyze targeted data. A. For each query, include a screenshot of the query and its output. You should also include a 1- to 3-sentence description of the output. B. Write an SQL query that returns the count of orders for customers located only in the city of Framingham, Massachusetts. i. This query will use a table join between the Customers and Orders tables. The query will also use a WHERE clause. ii. How many records were returned? C. Write an SQL query to select all of the customers located in the state of Massachusetts. i. Use a WHERE clause to limit the number of records in the customers table to only those that are located in Massachusetts. ii. Record an answer to the following question: How many records were returned? D. Write an SQL query to insert four new records into the Orders and Customers tables using the following data: Customers Table CustomerID FirstName LastName StreetAddress City State ZipCode Telephone 100004 Luke Skywalker 17 Maiden Lane New York NY 10222 212-555-1234 100005 Winston Smith 128 Sycamore Street Greensboro NC 27401 919-555-6623 100006 MaryAnne Jenkins 2 Coconut Way Jupiter FL 33458 321-555-8907 100007 Janet Williams 58 Redondo Beach Blvd Torrence CA 90501 310-555-5678 Orders Table OrderID CustomerID SKU Description 1204305 100004 ADV-24-10C Advanced Switch 10GigE Copper 24 port 1204306 100005 ADV-48-10F Advanced Switch 10 GigE Copper/Fiber 44 port copper 4 port fiber 1204307 100006 ENT-24-10F Enterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 24 Port 1204308 100007 ENT-48-10F Enterprise Switch 10GigE SFP+ 48 port F. In the Customers table, perform a query to count all records where the city is Woonsocket and the state is Rhode Island. i. How many records are in the customers table where the field “city” equals “Woonsocket”? G. In the RMA database, update a customer’s records. i. Write an SQL statement to select the current fields of status and step for the record in the RMA table with an OrderID value of “5175.” 1. What are the current status and step? ii. Write an SQL statement to update the status and step for the OrderID, 5175 to status = “Complete” and step = “Credit Customer Account.” 1. What are the updated status and step values for this record? Provide a screenshot of your work. H. Delete RMA records. i. Write an SQL statement to delete all records with a reason of “Rejected.” 1. How many records were deleted? Provide a screenshot of your work. 3. Create an output file of the required query results. A. Write an SQL statement to list the contents of the orders table and send the output to a file that has a .csv extension. What to Submit Submit your responses in the Module Four Major Activity Database Documentation Template. All of your answers should go in the correct locations in that document and then be submitted for grading and feedback. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with a description written below the screenshot. This activity and the feedback from it will directly connect to the second step in Project One. Supporting Materials The following resources support your work on the project: Document: Database Documentation Template Example Use this document for expectations of what your assignment should look like. Document: Quantigration RMA Diagram Make sure to review the example RMA entity relationship diagram (ERD) that you should be using as a guide before you begin. A text version is also available: Quantigration RMA ERD Text Version. Module Four Major Activity Rubric Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Import Data into Tables Imports the data from each file into tables Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include additional detail in importing and modifying data Does not attempt criterion 25 Write Basic Queries Writes basic queries against imported tables to organize and analyze targeted data Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include writing queries with more detail Does not attempt criterion 25 Create Output File Creates an output file of the required query results Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include inaccuracies in the output file of query results Does not attempt criterion 25 Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas 25 Total: 100%

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Complete these steps as you work through the directions for this activity. Replace the bracketed text with your screenshots and brief explanations of the work they capture. Each screenshot and its explanation should be sized to approximately one quarter of the page, with the description written below the screenshot. Follow these rules for each of the prompts and questions below. Review the example document for assistance. Follow steps 1 through 4 from the Module Three Major Activity only to generate tables for this assignment. 1. Import the data from each file into tables.